Press Release
West Coast Credit Union launches
its 2019 Summer School Programme
In view of the universal Credit Union’s education philosophy, the West Coast Cooperative Credit Union, on Monday June 3rd , launched its 2019 Summer School Programme. The initiative was born out of the society’s assessment of the needs of the communities it serves and is driven by the staff of the institution.
The programme was crafted for minors and children of members of the society between the ages of 5 and 12 and aims to nurture, train, educate and entertain.
WCCCU Summer School Programme runs from July 15th to July 26th at the Coulibistrie Primary School. Transportation will be provided for students from the communities of St. Joseph, Salisbury and Colihaut, who wish to attend. The two week-long summer activity will consist of themed days, like (Crazy Hair Day), Fun art, Field trips, Outdoor games, A Co-operative Day, Educational Discussions and Math and Reading. It will culminate with a certificate and prize-giving ceremony, and a Fantastic Fun Day. Registration can be done at any of the WCCCU branch offices from June 3rd, 2019.
West Coast prides itself in being able to give back to the communities it serves in such a practical manner. The Board and management express appreciation to fellow members, serving volunteers, staff and well-wishers who contribute and work toward the continued success of the Society.