WCCCU BOD, Committees and Staff

This page contains the links to human resource that governs and manages the affairs of the WCCCU. The WCCCU Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Credit Committee, all of whom are elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).


WCCCU Board of Directors

The Board is part of the overall management team that includes the Supervisory Committee and the Credit Committee. The board however has the ultimate decision making authority and responsibility for directing and controlling the affairs of the credit union.


WCCCU Supervisory Committee

The committee’s principal objectives are to perform, or select a qualified individual to perform the annual audit, member account verification and periodic internal audits of operational areas throughout the year. It is in the interest of the credit union and the members.


WCCCU Credit Committee

Responsible for reviewing applications for loans and make decisions upon such applications within the authority delegated to the committee. All loan decisions must be based on the loan policies established by the Board of Directors and in compliance with applicable local law.