The West Coast Cooperative Credit Union continues to stand by our commitment to the communities we serve and to the wholesome development of the children and wards of members. This year, we are proud to award Mr. Raynolvens Merzier of St.Joseph a successful student at the Grade Six National Assessment Examination, a scholarship to attend secondary school for the next five years.

Each year, the society awards one student the scholarship on the basis of merit.  It provides for the purchase of text books and stationery, and the payment of transportation and examination fees for the scholars’ school life provided she/he maintains creditable performance.

The continuing West Coast scholars –  Lanaya Townsend from Salisbury and Grace Vidal from Coulibistrie, Gracelyn Victor and Bill Frederick from Salisbury who are now into their fifth, fourth, third and second years at secondary school, have already received text books and stationery for the upcoming school year.  We wish them another successful year on their academic journey.

West Coast is honored to support members by helping to facilitate the education of our youth.  We know that this adds value to the communities that we serve, and increases the quality of life of our people. We are delighted to have assisted various families over the years. The 2013 West Coast CU scholar, Ms. Chalika Vidal was one of the top awardees of the ITSS 2018 graduating class and a top performer for her school at the CSEC Examinations.  We take this opportunity to congratulate Ms. Vidal on her achievements at the 2018 CSEC Exams, and to wish her the best in future endeavors.

West Coast Cooperative Credit Union also congratulates our new scholar,                                 Raynolvens Merzier, and his parents.  We wish him a very successful academic career.